McKesson Canada Cares - McKesson Canada
McKesson Canada Corporation -
Forced Labour and Child Labour Report
McKesson Canada Corporation publishes this Forced Labour and Child Labour Report (this “Report”), pursuant to the Canada Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, on its corporate website for itself and on behalf of the McKesson group of companies operating in Canada for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (“FY24”).
McKesson is committed to good corporate citizenship, the highest ethical standards, and does not tolerate any form of forced labour or child labour in its supply chains.
McKesson is dedicated to advancing health outcomes for patients and consumers everywhere. In Canada, McKesson provides pharmaceutical product distribution and automation, retail pharmacy services, pharmacy technology solutions, biopharma and provider solutions, and health and wellness products. McKesson sources its products from North America, Europe, and Asia. McKesson relies on its global and local procurement organization to source the products it sells and distributes.
McKesson takes social responsibility seriously and is strongly committed to respecting applicable international human rights and fair labour practices and explicitly condemns all kinds of modern slavery, including forced or child labour, and human trafficking.
McKesson I²CARE Values. McKesson its employees are fundamentally guided by McKesson’s global I²CARE Values, namely: Integrity, Inclusion, Customer-first, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. The I²CARE Values are foundational to all that we do, and who we are as a company. Consistent with these values, McKesson is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships, aiming to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in its business.
In 2020, McKesson joined the United Nations (UN) Global Compact Initiative, a voluntary leadership platform focused on the development, implementation, and disclosure of responsible business practices. In taking this step, McKesson is explicit in its support of the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles which focus on the areas of human rights and labour, but also on environment and anti-corruption.
Our global Code of Conduct provides the guidelines for interactions with its employees and contractors, and other business partners. The Code highlights McKesson’s position on Respecting Human Rights and Responsible Sourcing. Code of Conduct training is mandatory for all employees and contractors, including senior management and executive-level staff, on an annual basis.
McKesson’s employees are encouraged through its Open Door Policy and Speak Up Policy to raise concerns including potential violations of the Code, I²CARE values, company policies and applicable laws. McKesson provides a confidential EthicsPoint platform, a hotline available 24 hours a day for internal and external stakeholders to facilitate confidential reporting of any ethical concerns. The ethical principles that form the basis of the Code are at the heart of all decisions made by McKesson.
McKesson employees receive periodic online and/or face-to-face training to emphasize the importance of acting with integrity and in line with the Code of Conduct and relevant applicable laws and internal policies.
McKesson’s principal suppliers are heavily regulated pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical and health product suppliers located in North America, Europe, and Asia.
McKesson’s global procurement organization has established a Responsible Sourcing Program to address operations and suppliers for ethical and social issues. It provides a framework that holds our international private label suppliers to an auditable set of expectations about protecting workers. McKesson’s procurement organizations audit select prospective and current suppliers for a range of issues, which may include labour issues.
The McKesson Supplier Sustainability Principles (“MSSP”) are a set of principles to which our private label suppliers outside the UK, US, Canada, and Europe must agree. Our MSSP cover compliance with appropriate laws along with adherence to our principles on protecting workers, preparing for emergencies, identifying and managing environmental risk, and protecting the environment. These principles also reflect our stance against forced labour and child labor.
McKesson takes a risk-based approach in its contracting processes and assesses whether the circumstances warrant the inclusion of specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery and trafficked labour in our contracts with third parties and specific confirmation with our Code of Conduct. We expect our suppliers will hold their own contractors and suppliers to the same standards.
In FY24, the McKesson group of companies operating in Canada completed or refreshed supplier profiles for its main suppliers to assess their positions on forced labour and child labour. We also took initial steps to ensure our local procurement teams have standard policies to assess forced labour and child labour. McKesson’s Canadian EthicsPoint platform was expanded to include a dedicated category to report any supply chain issues, including suspected forced labour or child labour.
As we have not identified any forced labour or child labour in our business or supply chain, McKesson has not had to take any measures to remediate any forced labour or child labour or to remediate any loss of income to vulnerable families resulting from measures taken to eliminate the use of forced labour or child labour in our businesses or supply chains. As described in this Report, McKesson has introduced several measures to prevent and reduce these risks; however, to date no actions have been taken to assess the effectiveness of the measures.
This Report has been approved by McKesson Canada’s Executive Leadership Team (“ELT”), and the ELT has authorized Jennifer Zerczy to sign the Report on behalf of the McKesson group of companies operating in Canada. McKesson Canada has the legal authority to bind the McKesson group of companies operating in Canada.
Signed on behalf of McKesson Canada Corporation and its affiliates:
Jennifer Zerczy
Senior Vice-President
Legal and Regulatory Affairs
McKesson Canada Corporation
McKesson Canada employees experiencing a personal hardship or the effects of a Qualified Disaster, you can apply for a grant from the McKesson Taking Care of Our Own Fund. The fund offers two types of grants: the We Care Grant and the Get You to Safety Grant. Both are administered by the Emergency Assistance Foundation (EAF). If you apply through the Taking Care of Our Own Fund website, EAF's privacy policy applies.
Depending on the situation, the We Care Grant provides up to $5,000 to cover basic costs after a personal hardship or government-declared disaster. The EAF will process your application as quickly as possible, typically in 3-5 business days if all required documentation is provided. If your application is approved, you should receive payment within two weeks.
Because it’s a grant – not a loan – you never have to pay the grant back. To make sure the fund can help those who need it most, income guidelines apply. Read the FAQs to find out if you qualify.

Are you a McKesson Canada employees who has been evacuated from their home due to a government-declared disaster? The Get You To Safety Grant provides up to $1,000 in evacuation assistance for qualified McKesson employees who have been evacuated, displaced, or stranded by a government-declared disaster.
There are no income requirements for this grant. To be eligible, you need to be a McKesson employee who works a minimum of 20 hours a week.
Depending on the situation, the We Care Grant provides up to $5,000 to cover basic costs after a personal hardship or government-declared disaster. The EAF will process your application as quickly as possible, typically in 3-5 business days if all required documentation is provided. If your application is approved, you should receive payment within two weeks.
Because it’s a grant – not a loan – you never have to pay the grant back. To make sure the fund can help those who need it most, income guidelines apply. Read the FAQs to find out if you qualify.

Are you a McKesson Canada employees who has been evacuated from their home due to a government-declared disaster? The Get You To Safety Grant provides up to $1,000 in evacuation assistance for qualified McKesson employees who have been evacuated, displaced, or stranded by a government-declared disaster.
There are no income requirements for this grant. To be eligible, you need to be a McKesson employee who works a minimum of 20 hours a week.
Depending on the situation, the We Care Grant provides up to $5,000 to cover basic costs after a personal hardship or government-declared disaster. The EAF will process your application as quickly as possible, typically in 3-5 business days if all required documentation is provided. If your application is approved, you should receive payment within two weeks.
Because it’s a grant – not a loan – you never have to pay the grant back. To make sure the fund can help those who need it most, income guidelines apply. Read the FAQs to find out if you qualify.

Are you a McKesson Canada employees who has been evacuated from their home due to a government-declared disaster? The Get You To Safety Grant provides up to $1,000 in evacuation assistance for qualified McKesson employees who have been evacuated, displaced, or stranded by a government-declared disaster.
There are no income requirements for this grant. To be eligible, you need to be a McKesson employee who works a minimum of 20 hours a week.
Depending on the situation, the We Care Grant provides up to $5,000 to cover basic costs after a personal hardship or government-declared disaster. The EAF will process your application as quickly as possible, typically in 3-5 business days if all required documentation is provided. If your application is approved, you should receive payment within two weeks.
Because it’s a grant – not a loan – you never have to pay the grant back. To make sure the fund can help those who need it most, income guidelines apply. Read the FAQs to find out if you qualify.

Are you a McKesson Canada employees who has been evacuated from their home due to a government-declared disaster? The Get You To Safety Grant provides up to $1,000 in evacuation assistance for qualified McKesson employees who have been evacuated, displaced, or stranded by a government-declared disaster.
There are no income requirements for this grant. To be eligible, you need to be a McKesson employee who works a minimum of 20 hours a week.

About the Emergency Assistance Foundation
The Taking Care of Our Own Fund is administered by the Emergency Assistance Foundation. The EAF is an independent, nonprofit organization that manages all fund activities, including reviewing applications, decision-making, and assisting applicants with grant applications.
You can count on the EAF to keep your information private. We won’t share your story unless you choose to. McKesson employees do not have insight or influence on the grant approval process.

About the Emergency Assistance Foundation
The Taking Care of Our Own Fund is administered by the Emergency Assistance Foundation. The EAF is an independent, nonprofit organization that manages all fund activities, including reviewing applications, decision-making, and assisting applicants with grant applications.
You can count on the EAF to keep your information private. We won’t share your story unless you choose to. McKesson employees do not have insight or influence on the grant approval process.
Are you looking for another kind of help?
The McKesson Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is separate from the Taking Care of Our Own Fund. Contact our EAP 24/7 if you need help with things like relationship support, legal or financial issues, or identity theft.
Call (888) 425-6174 or visit The username is McKesson, and the password is eap.
Make a Donation
When you donate to the Taking Care of Our Own Fund, the McKesson Foundation will automatically match your gift. You do not need to make a separate request for a matching gift – and your donation goes twice as far.
There are four ways to donate:
Review the Donation FAQs to learn more.

Make a Donation
When you donate to the Taking Care of Our Own Fund, the McKesson Foundation will automatically match your gift. You do not need to make a separate request for a matching gift – and your donation goes twice as far.
There are four ways to donate:
Review the Donation FAQs to learn more.
Learn More About the Taking Care of Our Own Fund
Find out more about the grants, eligibility, and how to apply.
About the Fund
Learn more about the fund and the two different types of grants.
Get You to Safety Grant – How to Apply
Start here if you need evacuation assistance.
We Care Grant – How to Apply
Start here if you need financial help during a time of crisis.
Donation FAQ
Learn how you can support the Fund and help our colleagues facing tough times.