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Hospital Pharmacy Automation

Hospital Pharmacy Automation


McKesson Canada Automation is a leader in innovative solutions that help hospitals improve their medication-use processes.
These solutions are reducing medication errors and increasing levels of patient safety while connecting with all stages of the health care continuum.

If you're looking to automate your retail or outpatient pharmacy operations, explore our automation solutions for retail pharmacies.




The highly productive, fully automated PACMED strip packager brings intelligent, formulary level management capabilities to high speed, oral solid medication packaging.




Fully integrated with PACMED, the PACVision pouch verification device helps save on verification time. This fast, reliable and secure machine verifies the content of each pouch in less than one second.



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Learn more about Automation


To learn more about McKesson’s automation solutions, download our catalogue.  

For more information, you can also contact us at the toll-free telephone number 1.888.606.6337, or email us at for new inquiries or for additional service.