BlistMED - McKesson Canada
Key Benefits

Automates the labour-intensive process of packaging blister cards

Requires minimal space

Automate filling of partial tablets to limit manual intervention and streamline workflow
Key Benefits

Automates the labour-intensive process of packaging blister cards

Requires minimal space

Automate filling of partial tablets to limit manual intervention and streamline workflow
Brief Overview
Find Efficiencies, Grow Your Business and Enhance Safety
Package blister cards with more accuracy and in significantly less time, versus the manual process.
Automate filling of partial tablets to limit manual intervention and streamline workflow.
Continuous packaging of up to 10 blister cards to maximize workflow.
Build your blister packaging business and increase revenue, without increasing your staffing.

RFID trays ensure the right meds go to the right patients.
Lot & expiry tracking and logged packaging history, adds traceability and piece of mind.
Find Efficiencies, Grow Your Business and Enhance Safety

Learn more about the BlistMED
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LinkedIn: McKesson Canada Automation